ノコギリアン・ガッカイnag2023>カタリバ-20240229 ( )

kouba_ノコギリアン文庫場“コウバ”から 場“コウバ”へ)  



  • 話題1:「ミチノコ、ニワノコ、オクノコ」(話者:ノコギリアン)
  • 話題2:「コウバハンティング」(話者:Koubas Onlly)
  • ファシリテータ:アオキ(二坪の眼)
  • 会場:惣sowhttps://www.instagram.com/sou_sow/
  • 日時:2024年2月29日(木曜)14時 - 16時
  • 参加:ポットラック(飲食持ち寄り)方式
  • 主宰:ノコギリアン・ガッカイ
  • 問合:二坪の眼(アオキ)
  • memo:




レンタルスペース「惣sow(sou_sow)」は、書院座敷・次の間・取次ぎの間・茶室・洋館・蔵 を廊下で繋ぐアンティークな建物。好みのスペースが、一部屋から一棟を、1時間から月極まで、利用できます。 所在地:〒494-0006 愛知県一宮市起字西生出72

築80年の木造建築 玄関 洋館 書院造座敷 茶室 蔵 等 廊下でつなぐ建物。毛織物で活気に満ちた当時の「おもてなし」の為の屋敷を非日常 共感 体験共有の場として御利用ください。




  • びさいタイムス:2024年3月25日号掲載
    |魅力描くユニット KOUBAS ONLY
  • Col (from KOUBAS ONLY)
    More than 2 years ago I became interested in the “dusty & rusty mills” of BISAI. I am not ashamed or embarrassed to say that I could hear them talking to me. They called to me amidst the insipid streets full squeaky new box-like-houses.

    I started to paint them. Up until that point in my art career I had painted many subjects. But I would quickly become restless and look for the next creative project. This time though it is completely different. This is the longest I’ve ever focused on one subject matter. More than 2 years have passed, I have painted close to a 100 paintings and I still feel I have only scratched the surface. The “KOUBA RABBIT HOLE” is very long and deep, and I mean to follow it wherever it takes me! I have found my true calling in my art life!

    1 year ago I was lucky enough to meet Nat. Before that fateful encounter I was always painting and creating by myself. I often thought how nice it would be to produce art with another artist, but I never thought that would ever become a reality!

    After meeting Nat, I subsequently met Mr.Aoki & Mr.Imaeda. Both of these wonderful people shared a unique respect and love for the “Rusty Redundant Dragons” too. I felt like I had joined a new family. Thank you tfor the glorious he discussion last month on the 29th. Nat & I referred to it as a “KOUBA PARTY” and it was a beautiful deep celebration of the “KOUBAS” and the “BISHU LEGACY”.

    The future looks bright and full of opportunities to express this “unique romance” with the past.

    The “KOUBAS” are still very much alive and part of the everyday landscape. But they are slowly disappearing.

    With the creative support of my WONDERFUL ART COLLABORATOR and the kind assistance and understanding of everyone in the “KOUBA COMMUNITY” we will continue to walk the “HAPPY KOUBA ROAD” and produce many glorious things that will hopefully engage more people with the memory and future of these “TIRED CORRUGATED DINOSAURS”.

    Many thanks,
  • 二坪の眼
    ・[1395] 行(生)き先が変わる
  • furniture_r4f4さん
  • 竹原さん